Jenn: November 2003 Archives


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Today is our 3 year wedding anniversary and the best present of all was bringing our son home from the hospital for the first time!!! YEAH!!! I am typing this right now as the little one is asleep next to me...Right now I have his 9:00 p.m. feeding and meds being fed through his feeding tube, and well of course he has his oxygen going too and I am so excited that he is finally home!! We spent almost 5 months in the hospital with him, every day anticipating this day, and can you believe I still cried when we left the hospital? God has such wonderful timing to allow us to bring him home on our wedding anniversary. He is home on 9 different medications and I am still trying to get it all figured out...let's see how well I do at 3:00 a.m. when I have to try to and remember which med is which and how much when...It is pretty overwhelming but the nurses say it will take us a good 4 to 5 days to get used to everything. I think it will take a little longer for our cats to get used to him too.


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This page is a archive of recent entries written by Jenn in November 2003.

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